A general overview of information obtained from the 1930 Census
*Henry (age 34 @ time of census) DOB 1896 in NY
Both his
parents were born in Germany
He 1st
got married @ the age of 25 (1921)
He worked
on his own account as a night patrolman.
He stated he was a vet from the Word War
Wife is Susan (age 28 @ time of census) DOB 1902 in NY
father was born in Germany & mother in NY
She 1st
got married @ the age of 19 (1921)
> Henry (aged 7 @ time
of census) DOB 1923
Christian Siemers (aged 4 9/12
@ time of census) DOB 1926
June (aged 2 9/12 @
time of census) DOB 1928
Lois (aged infant 1/12
@ time of census) DOB 1930
May [Foster Child] (aged
19 @ time of census) DOB 1911
She was unemployed but had
worked as a bookbinder in a factory.
Address (rented for $45/mo) : South Rd, Jamaica, Queens
My Thoughts
My 1st thought is about the fraction system the Census takers used when noting very young children's ages.
For me it is very confusing. For instance, taking my Mother's reported age of 1/12. Initially one would think that that would mean the 1st. month out of a full year, hence being January. That's not the case though. I know for a fact her birthday is in the middle of March. Turns out they counted back from the month the Census was taken.
I don't know why they didn't just write down the month instead. Would of saved me; and I'm sure the Census takers as well, a lot of mental thinking.
Which brings me to the fact that in 10 years Henry & Susan were quiet busy! Having a baby almost every 2 years! If you figure in gestation time & then healing time, I'd say they didn't wait too long after having a baby to "get busy".
The foster child, May, that they had in their home is quiet intriguing. I wonder if she was a "true" foster child. Meaning, were they getting paid by the State of NY to care for her. It doesn't really matter in the end really. They had a house full of children & still opened their house to another, that's what's nice in my eyes.
Oh, and they no longer were living in the house that they owned as shown on the previous Census from 1925. This home they are in, in 1930 is a rented place. Actually not too far from where the other place was. Calculating out what their $45.monthly rent would be today, it comes to roughly $550.
I wonder why they moved. Did they sell the old place? Did they loose it, due to not being able to keep up mortgage payments? If they sold it I would think, they'd of bought another one. So I'm thinking they lost it.
Maybe they lost it due to him not working with the Dept. of Justice any longer. For on this Census it says that he worked on his own as a guard. Possibly he quit or was laid off from the Govt. job.
*Time permitting I may try to find out about their home. Not sure how to go about that just yet though.
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